1987 Phonograph Birthday

110th Birthday
1987 Friends of the Phonograph
Birthday Party
The Friends of the Phonograph's
110th Phonograph Birthday was celebrated in our Oakland-Emeryville
home on December 5, 1987.
An important part of the birthday venue
was the 2nd Annual Phonograph Art Exhibit which this year featured
the unveiling of internationally famous textile artist Sheila O'Hara's
newest work "First Recorded Sighting of the Little Nipper from
Other excellent works inspired by Nipper
and the Phonograph were also submitted and appreciated by all.
Edison's The
Great Train Robbery
and The
Voice of the Violin were also shown as part of the Phonograph
Film Festival.

Installation by Sheila
with Nipper in preparation for the Phonograph's 110th Birthday.

DB in Nipper room - The
party begins!

Joellen's Nativity Scene
- The birth of the Phonograph in the crèche.

DB in Collection room.

Patti holding her record
themed cheese log.

Pat's Jazz Collage

DK's Record Player Art
Piece 1987.

Another angle of DK's Record
Player Art Piece 1987.

Debbie's Nipper Art Submissions
- Nipper card and Storybook "The Adventures of Nipper."

Edison had an opportunity to use Nipper
for advertising his Phonograph since the original painting by the
artist Francis Barraud did have Nipper listening to an Edison Phonograph.
When Edison declined to purchase the rights to this painting the Victor
Talking Machine Company paid Barraud to paint over the Edison Phonograph
with a Type B Victor machine (often referred to as the Trademark machine).
Thus Nipper had a new owner and the
course of advertising history was changed. His Master's Voice
was not to be Edison's.

Backside of Debbie's Nipper
Card (above)

The lecture and movie presentations
in the Great Room.

Friends of the Phonograph