H. Templeton Music Museum
State University

of the Phonograph
The Charles H. Templeton, Sr. Music Museum
houses a collection of 200 musical instruments (which includes
an extensive collection of Victor Talking Machines), 13,000
recordings, and 22,000 pieces of sheet music donated to MSU
in 1987 by Charles H. Templeton, Sr.

"This collection of more than 200
self-playing instruments dating from 1897 to the 1930's includes
many of Thomas Edison's early model phonographs, Eldridge Johnson's
gramophones, Columbia graphophones, a vintage Link player piano,
a Aeolion Orchestrelle player organ, cylinder-and-disc music
boxes, and organettes of paper roll and cob varieties."
Courtesy of MSU (Templeton
Music Music website)
The following machines are from the Charles
Templeton Instrument Collection with others viewable via the
on-line digital
collection browser.

Berliner Gramophone 1895

Eldridge Johnson Victor (Type
A) 1900's

Eldridge Johnson Victor (Type
B) 1900's

Victor IV circa 1902

Victor XXV Circa 1913-1925
"The Schoolhouse Victor"

Edison Concert, 1899

U. S. Phonograph 1900's made
by Edison-Bell Consolidated Phonograph Company

New Victor Type O 1908

The model Nine-Fifty is a
combination of the Automatic Electrola and the Radiola Super-Heterodyne.

Victrola VV 7-3 Radiola Record
