Phonograph and Its Future

-- The only element not absolutely assured, in the result of experiments
thus far made--which stands in the way of a perfect reproduction at
will of Adelina Patti's voice in all its purity--is the single one
of quality, and even that is not totally lacking, and will doubtless
be wholly attained. If, however, it should not, the musical-box, or
cabinet, of the present, will be superseded by that which will give
the voice and the words of the human songstress.
This 'probability' of 'Musical-Boxes'
is an extension of Edison's other 1878 music related prediction which
he labeled "Music." "Music was exemplified by his phonograph
being able to reproduce the song of a friend who in a morning-call
may "sing us a song which shall delight an evening company."
The challenge for Edison's 'musical-box' probability, however, was
a higher standard. Sound quality needed to equal a songstress and
his example was the desire to reproduce the celebrated "Adlina
Patti's voice in all its purity." According to Edison in 1878
his phonograph was not yet there in quality of sound...but "doubtless,"
he wrote, it will "be wholly attained."

Munsey's Magazine, 1906

Puck - Adlina Patti
promoting "Pears' Soap" December 1889

Chocolat Suchard Tradecard

Victor Supremacy meant that voices of
"finest, purest gold" could be perpetuated for all time
if they were captured on a Victor Record. Life 1918


"the real thing --
you can't tell it from the actual human voice!" 1909

"Home is more comfortable
than an opera house, and a better place to enjoy the magnificent voices
of the greatests opera stars," 1910
