Phonographs in Other Ads

Phonographs Promoting Other Consumer Products


This gallery displays advertisements and paper ephemera where a phonograph is part of the promotion but is not what's being sold.


FACTOLA: The earliest example of a phonograph being part of an advertisement but not with the intention of selling a phonograph is a June 1, 1878 illustration in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. In this ad Brother Jonathan (a symbol of the United States in general, and an allegorical figure of U.S. capitalism) is promoting the export of Mrs. Potts' Sad Irons to Russia by bringing the message to the Czar of their pending delivery by means of the recently invented Edison tinfoil phonograph.


Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, June 1, 1878.

FOTP Note: The Philadelphia Mfg. Co. may have been making very good irons but the "delight and astonishment" of the Czar is clearly because of Edison's phonograph.


Ad for Dr. Price's Baking Powder, Omaha Daily Bee, April 30, 1895


"Not all Talk," ad for Sapolio Soap, Appleton's magazine, 1908 (PM-0761)


Clothing Store ad for Magee and Deemer, Lincoln -Aurora-Omaha, May 12, 1913, Lincoln Daily News

Mogul Cigarettes, Dancing to the Victrola, The Theatre Magazine, August 1915


"Just Like New!" Photoplay Magazine , October 1917


3-in-One Oil 1918


1920 Advertising Calendar from Trivers Clothes Milwaukee, WI - Victrola in Background - 2 1/4" X 5 1/2


Glidden Paints - The Saturday Evening Post 1920


Johnson's Prepared Wax - The Ladies' Home Journal, April 1922, p. 129 (Courtesy University of Michigan) (See full ad)


Johnson's Prepared Wax - The Ladies' Home Journal, May 1922, p. 109 (Courtesy University of Michigan)


Vitrolene Furniture Polish, The Talking Machine World, February 1923



Congoleum, The Saturday Evening Post, 1923


Elsie dancing to the Phonograph, Borden's, Life, 1949 (PM-2140)

American-Standard - First in heating first in plumbing, The Saturday Evening Post, September 15, 1951 (PM-2074)



Delsey Toilet Paper, 1954

Circa 1957 postcard advertising 6-piece furniture set


1957 6-piece furniture set in catalogue

U.S. Gympsum, 1959


Interior Decoration A to Z by Betty Pepis 1965


Coppertone, 1968


"I danced every day -- and there were plenty of 'cut-ins'. Listerine magazine ad, 1942


Husband has been ignoring his wife because of bad breath. Dentist recommends Colgate. Colgate newspaper ad, 1943



Pacific Sheets, 1945 (PM-0898)


Little Lulu's Tips to add life to records, Life, July 1951

1954 Listerine magazine ad


1960 Chevrolet Bel Air Sport magazine ad


Burlington Men's Socks Ad, 1961 (PM-2042)


"There's a rhythm to wood as captivating as the cadence of music..." National Lumber Manufactures Assocation magazine ad, 1961 (PM-2041)



Salem Cigarettes, 1964


Ozite Carpet Tiles in Rec Room with Retro open horn LP Phonograph, 1968 (PM-2043)


Lanier Business Products, 1970


Healthknit® postcard for ordering blazers and "Slim Jims" c.1965



Arrow Shirts, 1970


Levi's Womenswear, 1979

Paper Mate Accu-Point Roller Pen magazine ad, 1985


Carlton Cigarettes, Magazine ad, 1999


MasterCard, 2004



Barbizon Chemisette, 1958



Espirt Advertising Postcard, 1997


Hammacher Schlemmer, 2008

The handcrafted ceramic was said to be designed to replicate the French horn and augment sound from the iPod. "The gramophone projects music using authentic horn acoustics."



His Master's Scratched Record

Advertisement for ATOPICA, Novartis Animal Health, September 2013



ON THE RECORD: MusicWell, May 10, 2013

This email banner was a link to Kaiser Permanente's internal branded library of images and messages. The MusicWell featured "tracks" (like the grooves of a record) to "amplify" their message.

2013 Trader Joe's Thanksgiving Ad

By selecting one of the Radio Spots from the drop-down the consumer can hear 3 different Trader Joe ads using the Gramophone "Now Hear This!" for delivery of the message.


November 2013 on Trader Joe's website




When Steve Wozniak was seen in the 2015 Cadillac "Dare Greatly" television commercial he was on a couch listening to a "vinyl" record surrounded by record albums.


Boden Catalogue, February 2015

Amazon ad in Time magazine, November 2015, Vol 186 No. 20


Scotch Magic Tape Dispenser C-45, 2019



Apple's iPad Pro ad begins with a turntable playing a record. In a later scene record albums, turntables, music instruments and other creative arts are "crushed" by the newest, slimmest iPad Pro.


Apple iPad Pro 2024. - Crush! - The backlash to this ad was significant based on what some felt was Apple seemingly crushing symbols of human creativity.


The New York Times Magazine described the "already-infamous Apple ad — the one in which a giant mechanical compactor violently crushes a bunch of musical instruments, books, sculptures, art supplies and toys, turning them into an iPad Pro" in their June 6, 2024 article. The headline was then quoted from another article “Apple’s New iPad Ad Is a Neat Metaphor for the End of the World.”

"We’re used to distrusting ads because of their tendency to deceive. “Crush!” might be something different: an unintentional artifact of the truth, not yet compressed beyond recognition by the machine." Peter C. Baker, Ibid.

Apple offered an apology saying they had made a mistake and that they wouldn't air the ad on TV. "It wants to move on, and it wants you to do the same" noted Baker.

The Apple ad, however, can be seen on the Official Apple YouTube channel "Crush! iPad Pro which notes: "Apple’s more than 160,000 employees are dedicated to making the best products on earth, and to leaving the world better than we found it."




