'-ola' Brands

The number of talking machines that used
'-ola' as a brand name.
The '-ola' brands
The suffix '-ola' was used in 1898
for naming and introducing the pianola by the Aeolian Company in
New York. The pianola was a specific name for the player piano manufuctured
by the Aeolian Company but it became a generic term for all player
pianos. Its name was most likely based on "piano" and
"viola." (1)
When the Victor Talking
Machine Company introduced their new cabinet model Victor with an
internal horn in August 1906 they named it the "Victor-Victrola."
The Victrola was a trademarked name but it would become a generic
term for any talking machine.
Phonograph manufacturers followed
Victor with internal horn machines and a large number of those made
'-ola' the suffix of their machine name.

"You can tell them
the moment you raise the lid and see the trademark Victrola."
Victor ad in The Saturday Evening Post, 1921 (FOTP)

This Pianola ad
tried to explain that 'pianola" was a specific brand, not a
generic term for player pianos. (Catalogue
cover and ad courtesy of the Pianola
The following list of '-OLA'
Brands is compiled from multiple sources (1A).
Special acknowledgments go to Allen
Koenigsberg for his list of '-olas' published 2004 in the Sound
Box and to R. J. Wakeman for his article Off
Brand Talking Machines,The Antique Phonograph Society,
February 2020.
If a listed "-ola"
name has an asterisk(*) next to it then it has not been included
in the '-ola' total number count since it is either
a talking machine attachment or other phono-related accessory
and not a talking machine per se. If a phonograph brand has been
registered using the same name by different owners but appears
to be an unrelated company it is has been added to the total count.
This '-ola' brands
factola is inspired by the etymology and is not intended to be
a history of any company or any particular machine.
Abrola Abraham
& Straus, NYC, Date filed: January 3, 1923, Used since November
15, 1922 (AK)
Amberola National
Phonograph Company - In 1909 Edison introduced a record called the
Amberol which extended the cylinder record playing time from two
to four minutes. Edison also decided to introduce an internal horn
machine to play these records which was named the Amberola. There
are two series of Amberola machines: A Roman numeral series (Amberolas
I through X) was introduced in December 1909. The second series
(Amberolas 30, 50, and 75) was produced after the great Edison plant
fire of December 9, 1914.

Mahogany Amberola I
(A) 1910 (Courtesy of The
Phonograph Company)

Edison Amberola I -
(B) Second model
American Talking Machine Company, Bloomberg, Pennsylvania. August
15, 1920 TMW - "Plays all Records - Never Scratches" ad
courtesy of Mulholland Press (MP)

Amerinola Amerinola
Company, 1 Vandalia Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio. December 15, 1919
Jerome Reimers, District of Columbia, Date filed: April 18, 1919
(AK) and March 27, 1919 The Musical Trades (FOTP)
Angelola* Pianissimo
Player Action, Date Registered: April 6, 1920 (AK)
Arion Manufacturing Company, 250 Devonshire Street Boston, Massachusetts.
Date Registered: August 17, 1915; Trade-mark from September 1914
TMW (RJW); used since June 1, 1914 (AK)

Armoniola Thomas
Manufacturing Company, Dayton, Ohio. November 15, 1916 TMW (RJW)
Arnola* Max
Oscar Arnold, 1906 (AK)
Saginaw Sectional Book Case Company, Saginaw, Michigan. March
15, 1923 TMW (RJW); used since 1917 (AK)
Artinola Texas
Phonograph Corp, September 1, 1925 (AK)
Artofola The
Artofola Company, Springfield, Illinois. October 15, 1916 TMW
Artrola Louis
Annin Ames, NYC, July 30, 1915 (AK)
Autonola Briggs
Manufacturing Company. (EM-RJW)
- Amer Auto Prod Corp. IL, June 1, 1919 Registration No. 227,913
May 23, 1921 (AK) and The Autrola made by the Autrola Company, Chicago,
Reno Gazette-Journal, October 23, 1923
Bamcola Bachman
Manufacturing Company, Ivanhoe & Southwest Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri.
December 1919 The Music Trades
Barkerola Barker
Brothers, CA November 1, 1915 (AK)
Belcantola Louis
Rommel, NYC, December 11, 1918 (AK)
Bingola Bing
Werke, Germany, September 1, 1926 (AK)
Brantford Piano Case Company, Limited, Brantford, Canada. 1916
(CAPS) (3)

Courtesy of The Canadian
Antique Phonograph Project, Brant-ola inside lid logo ca. 1916 (3)

Courtesy of The Canadian
Antique Phonograph Project, Brant-ola Ad, ca.1917, Unknown provenance
Filing cabinet for records with ejector for discs made by the
Haag Cabinet Company, Philadelphia. Courtesy of Mulholland Press
Carola The Carola Company,
Leader-News Building, Cleveland, Ohio. August 1916 Cosmopolitan
Magazine (FOTP)

Carryola Carryola
Company of America, 647 Clinton Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
July 1924 TMW (Note: Prime Mfg Co., WI, May 1, 1924) (AK)
1928 Catalogue ad for
Carryola Portable Phonographs
Carusola Caruso
Mfg Co., NE, May 1, 1924 (AK)
Centrola Centrola
TM Co., NYC, April 1, 1917 (AK)
Chimonola Chimonola
Company, 131 The Arcade, Cleveland, Ohio. September 1919 TMW
Cirola Cirola
Phonograph Corporation 1227 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
April 1920 TMW (RJW)

The Talking Machine
World, November 1922 (FOTP)
Clarinola George
B. Clark Company, Inc., Bridgeport, Connecticut. June 26, 1920,
1919 (AK)
Claxtonola Brenard
Manufacturing Company, Iowa City, Iowa. January 1919 TMW (RJW)
Bristol and Barber Company, Inc., 3 East 14th Street,
New York City, New York. November 1922 TMW (Note: Geo. Clay Cox,
NYS, 1916-1922 per (AK))
Cleola Tyrola
Phonograph Company, Wilmette, Illinois. January 1920 TMW
Cleartonola -
still-existing model, however, no information other than the brand
name. (RJW)
Cobrola - Article
in April 15, 1921 TMW that the new Cobrola portable outing phonograph
will be displayed as part of a new product line for Ernest W. J.
Hughes. (FOTP)

Collerola George
Coller, Reading, Pennsylvania. (EM - RJW)
Compartment Filing Cabinet Co., Chicago, Illinois - Record Cabinet,
November 15, 1909, TMW (FOTP)
Concertola Corp. NYC. December 15, 1915 The Talking Machine World
Concertola World
Phonograph Company, 218 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Illinois.
March 15, 1917 TMW (RJW)

March 15, 1917 The
Talking Machine World
Consola Consolidated
Talking Machine Company, 227 West Lake Street, Chicago, Illinois.
November 15, 1917 TMW
Phonograph Control Corporation, 19 Academy Street, Newark, NJ,
Talking Machine World, May 15, 1921 - "It starts, lifts
the needle and stops itself." (FOTP)
Crayola - Vanity
Fair, Model 120, Dyersville, Iowa 52040, 1981 (FP0626)

Crownola Fred
S. Sammel, PA, May 10, 1917 (FOTP) (AK)
Crystola The
Knabe Brothers Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. November 15, 1915 TMW
(Note: National Crystola, OH October 15, 1915 TMW (AK))
- 163 Dufferin Avenue, Toronto, Ontario Canada circa 1919
mfg by the Curtiss Aeroplanes & Motors LTD, (CAPS) (4)

Courtesy of Stephen
McKendry-Smith, CAPS (4)

Edmonton Journal
Sept. 27, 1919, courtesy of Keith Wright, CAPS (5)
Davenport Cabinet Works, 829 West 2nd Street, Davenport, Iowa.
November 1919, TMW (Note: EWH Davenport Cabinet, February 28,
1919) (AK)

Temple Inc., IL, August 25, 1927 (AK)
Dear-Ola Child's
phonograph, unknown - Donley Auctions, June 2024. (FOTP)

Dianola A.
Strassburger Co., PA, December 1, 1915 (AK)
Dixiola Dixiola
Phono Corp., NJ 1917 (AK)
Dreaola Dreaola
Phonoplast, Frankfurt (unknown) (Source: See
Museum for Communication Nuremberg - "For the Record - Emil
Berliner and the Gramophone")

The Duff Company, Elizabeth City, North Carolina. (EM - RJW)
Dulceola Barnett
Samuel & Sons London. "The Decca name appeared on their first
portable in 1914 and the Dulceola name was used on their internal
horn machines during the 1920's."

John E. Christensen, IL, October 1, 1917 (AK)
Ecola Eureka
Novelty Co., IN, 1917, TMW (AK)
Elmbrola Talking Machine Company, Department A, St. Paul,
Minn. March 15, 1918 TMW
Victor Talking Machine Co., NJ July 27, 2011 (AK)
German Gramophone Company Record Label Company, Berlin 1925. In
March 1931 Electrola, with its parent label and Carl Lindstrφm
Company parent Columbia Graphophone Company, merged to form the
Electric & Musical Industries Ltd. (EMI). - Wikipedia
Lansburgh & Brothers, DC, October 20, 1922 (AK)
Charles H. Elting & Co., IL September 15, 1919 (AK)
Embrola Embrola
Talking Machine Co., MN, January 15, 1918, TMW (AK)
Eubanola Ramos-Eubank
Phonograph Manufacturing Company, Richmond, Virginia. March 15,
1919 TMW (RJW)
Eufonola Acme
Cabinet Company, 116 West 32nd Street, New York City, New York.
15, 1916, TMW
Favorola Bon-Ton
Mfg. Co., 211 South Broadway, St. Louis, Missouri. October 15,
1920 TMW
Gabelola Gabels
Entertainer Company, 210 North Ann Street, Chicago, Illinois.
March 1917 TMW
Gama Phola Toy phonograph made in
Germany, circa late 1920's (FOTP)

Roscoe B. Gatton, IL, July 20, 1919 (AK)
Genola General Phonograph
Company, Elvira, Ohio. (FOTP)

Glendiola Leo Palmer, NYC,
April 15, 1919 (AK)
Glenola Leonard Palmer, NYC,
March 1, 1920 (AK)
Goldenola Goldenola Talking
Machine Co., CA, January 1, 1922 (AK)
Graduola Aeolian Co., CT/NYT,
December 31, 1913 (AK)
Grafonola - The Columbia Grafonola,
The Columbia Graphophone Company, Woolworth Building, New York,
1916 (FOTP)

Grafonola by Guild
Electric - 1960's replica of a hand crank horn style phonograph. This
electric turntable plays 12", 10", and 7" records. The horn holds
the speaker.
Gramola "His Master's
Voice" (HMV) Gramola was marketed by the Gramophone Company's
German Electrola Record (HMV) company for the market in Austria,
Czechoslovakia, and others with a pasted over Gramola Label as
seen in this 1927 advertisement. - Deutsche Grammophon (Courtesy
of - 1908 TMW (AK)

1927 Gramola ad for
Austria and Czechloslavkian markets (Courtesy of
Grandola Phonograph Company, 1269 Broadway, New York City, New
York. August 15, 1915 TMW. Grandola also manufactured by the Purdy
Phonograph Co., Toronto, (CAPS) (6)

The Harmonola Company, 1611 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
June 15, 1916 TMW (FOTP)
Harponola The Harpolona Company,
101 Mercelina Park, Celina, Ohio. "The Phonograph with the
Golden Voice." The The Mulholland Press (MP);
Cellina Furniture Co., November 15, 1917, TMW (AK)

Harponola Logo, The
Talking Machine World, February 1919
Harpvola Harpvola Talking
Machine Company, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. J. H. Collins Talking
Machine Co., September 15, 1915 TMW (AK)
Harrolla King Talking Machine
Company, 11 West 25th Street, New York City, New York. January 15,
1917 TMW
Havanola Thomas H. DePew,
Ohio, September 25, 1919 (AK)
Hayneola Hayneola Phonograph
Corporation, Ottawa, Illinois. January 1917 TMW
Heatrola* The Estate Stove
Company, October 1928, The Saturday Evening Post - Not a
phonograph but a parlor stove designed to look like a Victrola -
"to homes of good taste the Heatrola has brought new harmony,
new health, new luxurious warmth..." The graceful, cabinet-like
Estate Heatrola...its softly gleaming finish of rich mahogany."

View the full two-page
- Hectrola Phonograph Company, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Courtesy
of (CAPS)
- Hardware indicates machines were made WWI to circa 1926. (8)

Hrenola There is an existing
model, however, no information other than the brand name. (RJW)
Humanola Humanola Talking
Machine Company, Meyersdale, Pennsylvania, May 15, 1917 TMW; Baldwin
& Livengood, PA, March 1, 1915 (AK)
Keenolophone Keen-O-Phone
Company. The flagship of Morris Keen's Keen-O-Phone Company was
the 'Keenolophone' which he introduced in 1911. "The cabinet
has a distinctly 'Empire' look that would not be seen in Keen-O-Phone's
catalogued models." 17 (10A)
Keimola - Made in Germany (FOTP)
Ke-Ro-La H. Gerstner &
Sons, OH, June 25, 1921 (AK)
Knabe-Crystola Knabe Bros.
Co., Ohio, November 1, 1915 (AK)
Ko-Hi-Ola Koehler and Hinrichs,
St. Paul, Minnesota. November 15, 1916 TMW
Leviola Amer Cab Mfg Co.,
VA, June 26, 1919 (AK)
Librola Seaburg Manufacturing
Company, Jamestown, New York. "The Library Table Phonograph."
April 15, 1920, TMW

Lydiola - Deutsch Bros. NYC,
July 10, 1919 (AK)
Lyreola Lyre-Ola Manufacturing
Company, 1504 Pine Street, St. Louis, Missouri. April 15, 1920 TMW
Lyricola Francis X. Stahl,
OH, January 10, 1920 (AK)
Maestrola Sound Reproduction
Company, Inc., 56 Liberty Street, New York City, New York. September
1916 TMW
Magnetola Aeolian Co., CT/NYC,
February 8, 1911 (AK)
Magnola Talking Machine Company, 711 Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago,
Illinois. circa 1919, The Mulholland Press (MP);
June 15, 1916 (AK)
Magnola Bush & Lane Piano
Co., Michigan, March 3, 1927 (AK)
Majestrola Bell & Voss Berlin.
Marvelola Weser Brothers,
524 West 23rd Street, New York City, New York. January 1920 TMW
Mastrola Master Talking Machine
Corporation, 381 Fourth Avenue, New York City, New York. May 1915
TMW (FOTP); February 15, 1915 (AK)

Merola Crosley
Radio Corp., OH, December 30, 1916 (AK)
Metronola Metronola
Phono Co., CO, August 2, 1916 (AK)
Modernola Company, Johnstown, Pennsylvania. "A Home Delight
to Ear and Eye." November 15, 1919 ad TMW - The Mulholland
Press (MP); August 5,
1918 (AK)
Modernolette Modernola Company,
Johnstown, Pennsylvania. The portable model. November 15, 1923 TMW

Motrola* - Jones-Motrola, Inc.,
NYC. Electric motor to crank your phonograph instead of unsightly
winding crank - 29-33 West 35th Street, New York City. Saturday
Evening Post December 1917 (FOTP); December 27, 1915 (AK)

Multa Musola Auto Enunciator
Co., IL, February 28, 1912 (AK)
Multinola The American Multinola
Company, Cleveland, Ohio - A coin-in-the-slot machine option with
"16 selections, briefly advertised in 1911." (8A)

Multinola, The Talking
Machine World, July 15, 1911 (FOTP)
The Munzer Manufacturing Corporation, 307 South 6th Avenue, Minneapolis,
Minnesota. November 15, 1917 - TMW ad courtesy of The Mulholland
Press (MP)
Musicola Musicola Talking
Machine Company, 242 Knickerbocker Avenue, Brooklyn, New York. March
15, 1920 TMW
Musictrola Passow & Sons,
832 -842 Madison Street, Chicago, Illinois. March 15, 1916 TMW
Musola Aeolian Co., CT/NYC,
1916 (AK)
Niftyola T. & H. Specialty
Company, Charleston, West Virginia. January 1921 TMW
Nipponola Kawasaki, Japan
(from Nipponophone Record and Machine Catalog, Kawasaki,
Japan) - Courtesy of Nipperhead

According to Nipperhead,
"this rare catalog, from Kawasaki, Japan, features "fore'gn"
records aimed at Japan's American residents and visiting Americans.
Nytrola T. & H. Specialty
Company, Charleston, West Virginia. January 1921 TMW; March 1, 1920
Odeola Odeola Cab/Phono,
NYC, June 1, 1918 (AK)
Ogdenola Ogden Manufacturers,
Chicago, Illinois. (EM - RJW)
Olaphon Made by Weco

Operola Barney Rubin, Illinois,
June 24, 1916 (AK)
Operollo Phonograph Co., 54 W. Lafayette Blvd., Detroit, Mich.
July 3, 1919 Hardware Age Catalogue*
Oranola Perfection Talking
Machine Company, Inc., 129 De Graw Street, Brooklyn, New York. August
1919 TMW; August 6, 1916 (AK)
Orchestrola The Thomas Manufacturing
Company, Dayton, Ohio. June 1916 TMW; May 2, 1916 (AK)
Organola - A model of the Phonola
Company of Canada, Kitchener, Ontario 1918; August 6, 1916 (AK)
Organolagraf - Howard Darlington,
Ohio, September 15, 1916 (AK)
Oriola Metropolis Sales Company,
27 Union Square, New York City, New York. April 1917 TMW (RJW)
Orola General Mfg. Co., Wisconsin,
1914 (AK)
Orola -- Oro-Tone Co., Chicago.
Record player attachment for radio with Art Deco styling. Circa

Orphola Iriole Phonograph
Co., MD, October 21, 1927 (AK)
Pack-Trola Fader F. Nelson,
CA, March 1, 1923 (AK)
Panola still-existing model,
however, no information other than the brand name. (RJW)
Patcyola McLaughlin &
Shi\gley, MIchigan, April 23, 1912 (AK)
Perfectrola Milwaukee Talking
Machine Manufacturing Company, 416 Fourth Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 17, 1916 (AK)
Phonola Caloric Sales Company,
1381 Continental and Commercial Bank Building, Chicago, Illinois.
April 15, 1915 TMW
Phonola US Phonograph Co.,
Ohio, May 1, 1909 (AK)
Phonola Federal Phonograph
Co., NYC, January 17, 1919 (AK)
Phonola Conley Camera Co.,
MN, April 16, 1926 (AK)
Phonola Phonola Co., Inc,
NYC, May 24, 1916 (AK)
- The Pollock Manufacturing Company of Berlin, Ontario, (CAPS),
1914 - 1933 (9)

Courtesy Keith Wright
and CAPS

Leamington Post,
December 5, 1918 (Courtesy of
Phonola Waters Conley Company,
Inc., 17 E. Chestnut Street, Chicago 11, Illinois. 1960 print ad
- Note per CAPS there is no known connection between Pollock/Electrohome/Phonola
and the US machines made under the 'Phonola' name by Conley and
later Waters Conley (10);

Phon-Ola Phon-Ola
Co., Dayton, OH, October 15, 1921 (AK)

Pianola* Aeolian
Co., CT/NYC, January 1, 1898 (AK)
The Toyphone and Woodware Manufacturers, Inc., 130 West 18th
Street, New York, TMW ad courtesy of The Mulholland Press (MP)
Playola* - Talking Doll Novelty,
NYC, October 1, 1914 (AK)
Playonola Playonola Talking
Machine Company, 1210 Third Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. May 15,
1920, TMW
Portable Phonograph Company, Reserve Bank Building, Kansas City,
Missouri. "My Records Are Inside." July 15, 1920 TMW ad
courtesy of The Mulholland Press (MP);
Carroll E. Dodson, MO, October 1, 1919 (AK)
Queenola Queenola Phonograph
Company Masier & Weng, Allegan, Michigan. (EM-RJW)
Radiola portable gramophone
Identified in April 15, 1921 TMW in their European Headquarters
section, p. 178 (FOTP)

Ramos-Eubank Phonograph Manufacturing Company, Richmond, Virginia.
March 15, 1919 TMW
Imported by the London Phonograph Company ca. 1916
- Rayola Silver-Tone "Cheers the Home" - (CAPS) (11)


London Phonograph Co.,
circa 1917, McLaughlin Buick courtesy of CAPS and Allen Noon (12)
Recordola* Recordophone
Co., New York, NY 1921 - Recorder and Reproducer attachment for
any phonograph

The Talking Machine
World, October 15, 1921 (FOTP)
Re Creola - Hyrum W. Valentine, UT, February
1, 1918 (AK)
Reminola - Remington Phono
Corp., May 5, 1920 (AK)
Renola - Philip Reinherz, NYC,
July 1, 1916 (AK)
Retola Ausonia Reed Furniture
Company, 844 Gerard Avenue, New York City, New York. October 15,
1920 TMW

Rivola - Angelo Mannello, NYC,
November 1, 1919 (AK)
Rhonola Waters & Conley Company;
portable model. (EM-RJW)
Rilonola Riley Talking Machine
Company, Inc., Utica, New York. (EM-RJW)
Robinola Robinola Talking
Machine Company, 119 East 5th Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. June 1917
TMW; Charles M. Robinson, OH November 1, 1916 (AK)

Robinola Robinola Phono Co.,
MO, January 1, 1920 (AK)
Rosonola Rosa Mesh Singing
Machine, June 15, 1921 (AK)
Ro-Tone-Ola Phonograph, J. T. Rowe, John Street North, Aylmer
Organ/Phonograph Manufacturer, Aylmer, Ontario, circa 1920 (CAPS)
Rotrola Rotor Corpor America,
OH, May 1, 1928 (AK)
Theatrephone - Home Recreations (Aust.) LTD., Everyones,
November 13, 1929
Saxola Sachs and Company,
425 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. May 15, 1919 TMW
Sportrola May Waterson, NYC,
December 9, 1923 (AK)
Starola Introduced by Hawthorne
and Sheble (H&S) Manufacturing Company in December 1908. Available
for less than a year because of Victor's permanent injunction. (3-97
Steinola - Steinola Co., MO,
March 1, 1916 (AK)
Stenola Stettner Phono Corp.,
NYC, May 31, 1922 (AK)
Swanola makers of Black Swan
Records; Pace Phonograph Corporation, 257 West 138th Street, New
York City, New York. October, 1921 The Crisis Advertiser; January
1, 1921 (AK)
Symphonola The Larkin Company,
Buffalo, New York. EM; Identified in CAPS Project as manufactured
in Canada at 406-408 [Yonge St., Toronto] the Canadian Symphonola
Co. Ltd., (CAPS) (14) Larkin
catalogues and color flyer (4-91 and 4-92 ADV); Symphonola Mfg Co.,
MN , April 15, 1918 (AK)

Tabe-a-nola Tabe-A-Nola Phonograph
Company, Inc., Reading, Pennsylvania. September 13, 1919 The
Music Trades; (photo on p.35 PFW); Used since November 22, 1918

Tabe-A-Nola Blotter
Thieryola J. B. Thiery Company,
Milwaukee, Wis., the real "Music-Makers", 1917

The Progressive
Farmer Raleigh, North Carolina, newspaper ad June 2, 1917
Tonkola William Tonk and
Brother, 36th Street at 10th Avenue, New York City, New York. March
15, 1918 TMW
Tonola Tonola Phonograph
Company, 11 South 7th Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota. May 1917 TMW;
Louis A. Priess, MN used since August 1, 1915 (AK).
Toyola Berg A. T. & S. Co.
Inc. of Long Island, New York. ca. 1920-1930's. See Phonograph
Dolls and Toys by Joan & Robin Rolfs, p. 2-59 for full photograph
of this suitcase phonograph.

Toyola, Courtesy Joan
& Robin Rolfs
Triumpola Little known other
than "modeled after talking machines of the 'vertical' orientation"
such as the H&S 'Starola'. Plate identifying the "Triumphola"
shows "Patent BRDR. CORELL." (See photograph p. 48 PWF)
Tryola - Tyrola Phono Co.,
IL, Januay 15, 1920 TMW (AK)
Vanola (phone) - Vanola Co.,
NYC, November 15, 1915 TWM (AK)
Verdiola Illinois Talking
Machine Company, 56 West Washington Street, Chicago, Illinois. July
15, 1918 TMW
Vestanola Vestanola Mfg Works,
NY, used since 1920(?) TMW (AK)
Victrola - Victor Talking Machine
Company, Camden, N.J. Munsey's Magazine 1906; used since June
9, 1905 (AK)

1928 Victor Victrola
Electrola VE7-26X
Viola - Southern Cal Phono,
CA 1921 (?) TMW (AK)
Viola-Phone - Doherty Phono
Co., Inc. IL, used since January 31, 1919 (AK)
Violinola - Ludwig Hupfeld,
AG, used since August 1, 1908 (AK)
Violinola - Violinola Phono
Co., MI, used 1921-1926 (AK)
Vionola - Davenport Phono Access,
IA, used since 1917(?) TMW (AK)
Virenola - Pincus Selditch,
PA, used from December 1, 1918 (AK)
Virginola - Ideal Furniture
Co., IN; used from December 1, 1918 (AK)
Vitanola Talking Machine Company, 17 North Wabash Avenue, Chicago,
Illinois. February 1915 TMW - "The Phonograph of Marvelous
Tone" TWM ad courtesy of The Mulholland Press (MP)
Vonola There is an existing
model, however, no information other than the brand name. (RJW)
Voxola Voxola Phono Co.,
used since May 31, 1916 (AK)
Waderola Wade Talking Machine
Company, 12 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. March 15,
1920 TMW
Watrola Wartell Phonograph
Company, 178 West Randolph Street, Chicago, Illinois. October 15,
1919 TMW
Webrola Jacob H. Weber, NYC,
used from November 1, 1918 (AK)
Westrola The Wesley Company,
Chicago, Illinois. June 15, 1920 TMW
Wycola Wyeth Manufacturing.
Yohnola Oliver Yohn & Sons,
New York. (EM-RJW)
Yanola - Yanella Phono Co.,
NYC, used from 1919 (?) (AK)
Other phonograph/music-providing
'-ola' companies (post 1925)
Motorola - Motorola started
as the Galvin Manufacturing Corporation in Chicago in 1928, however,
"Paul Galvin wanted a brand name for Galvin Manufacturing Corporation's
new car radio, and created the name Motorola by linking "motor"
(for motorcar) with "ola" (from Victrola), which was also a popular
ending for many companies at the time, e.g. Moviola, Crayola. The
company sold its first Motorola branded radio on June 23, 1930"
... and "later changed the company name to Motorola, Inc."-

Motorola Model
50XC (1940) radio, made of Catalin (photo courtesy of Wikipedia
- photograph taken at SFO airport "On The Radio" exhibition

Motorola Phonograph-Radio
magazine ad, 1945
Playola - Children's record
player in its box, 1948 (FOTP)

Radiola - Paris Concerts
Radiola 1923 advertisements ( in La Science & la Vie)
Courtesy The
Phono and Radio Archives)
Radiola - Radio-Victor
Corporation of America, Radiola Super-Heterodyne, December 1929
Arts & Decoration magazine (FOTP)

Ad on back of Matinee
Musicale program January 25, 1926 Temple Theatre, Lincoln, NE
Rock-Ola - Rock-Ola Manufacturing
Corporation, Chicago, IL 1932 with its first jukebox produced in 1935.
Rock-Ola Model 1422, 1946
courtesy of Jukebox The Golden Age, ©1981 Lancaster-Miller,
Victrola - 2016
- Trade-name orginally owned by The Victor Talking Machine Company.
The Radio Corporation of America bought the Victor Talking Machine Company
in 1929 and continued to use the word Victrola for decades. RCA was
taken over by GE in 1986 and broken up (see Wikipedia RCA Trademarks).
The turntable seen in the following Brookstone ad in 2016 is made by
Innovative Technology which now owns the Trademark for Victrola
© 2016 innovative technology.
All rights reserved. Victrola, Bright Tunes and Justin word marks
and logos are trademarks of Innovative Technology Electronics Corp.
Nicktrola Ornament, 2007
by Christopher Radko (FOTP)

Phonographia Factola