Newspapers named "The Phonograph"



FACTOLA: There were at least 12 newspapers in the United States named the Phonograph between 1878 and 1889 in honor of Edison's December 6, 1877 invention of the Phonograph. (1)


The impact of the phonograph on newspapers was discussed in the context of some early predictions about the phonograph. The San Francisco's The Daily Examiner February 24, 1889 article "Talking Machines - What They Are to Do in the Great Future" highlighted the phonograph's future prominence as a dictating machine: "As a saving in the time given up to writing the Phonograph promises to far outstrip the typewriter." The article then continued by predicting that the phonograph will replace newspapers delivered as phonograms in which music critics will be able to provide "whole arias from any opera or movements from a symphony by way of proof or illustration." "I really see no reason why the newspaper of the future should not come to the subscriber in the shape of a phonogram" continued the article.

Newspapers started delivering on-line editions in 1980 (the first being the Columbus Dispatch on July 1, 1980). The first digital magazine was released as a floppy disc magazine in 1987 and appropriately named The New Aladdin. (2)

No newspaper was ever replaced by a phonogram but the following are twelve newspapers that were named the "Phonograph" in recognition of Edison's sound-writing invention.


The Phonograph, St. Paul, Nebraska September 26, 1878


The official paper of Howard County and the city of St. Paul, Nebraska 1887 - 1902


St. Paul Phonograph and Press, 1902, St. Paul, Nebraska*


St. Paul Phonograph and the St. Paul Press, February 14, 1902, St. Paul, Nebraska*


The Phonograph, St. Paul, Nebraska post-1960 changed their logo to include a gramophone



Phillips Phonograph, May 17, 1879 - Phillips, Maine - weekly newspaper began in 1878.


Phillips Phonograph, October 15, 1881 - Phillips, Maine


Phillips Phonograph, promotion on scale weight transactions, July 3, 1897 - Phillips, Maine.



The Pence Phonograph, October 22, 1877 - Pence, Kansas



The Phonograph, May 1881 - Hillsboro, Kansas



Phillips Phonograph - Phillips, Maine, weekly newspaper begun in 1878 - Franklin County, Maine

Lewiston Phonograph - Lewiston, Maine, weekly newspaper that was suspended in June 1880 (unknown when it started).

Phonograph - St. Paul, Nebraska, Howard County Pop. 4,391 weekly newspaper begun in 1878 - 1966*

St. Paul Phonograph - St. Paul, Nebraska, Howard County 1887 - 1902* (only counted once for this Factola, see above*)

Texas Phonograph - Taylorsville, Williamson County, Texas, weekly newspaper begun in 1880

Phonograph, Blanchard - La Fayette County, Wisconsin, weekly newspaper started in 1878, suspended in July 1880

Colby Phonograph, Colby Clark County, Wisconsin, weekly newspaper started in 1878

Phonograph - Plymouth, Hancock County, Illinois, weekly newspaper started in 1879

Sunday Phonograph - Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, Sunday newspaper started in 1879

Rockwell Phonograph - Rockwell, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, weekly newspaper started in 1879

Corning Phonograph - Corning - Steuben County, New York, weekly newspaper suspended in July 1880

The Pence Phonograph - Pence, Scott County, Kansas started in 1887 and ended in 1889

The Phonograph, Hillsboro, Kansas 1881




The Phonograph-Herald, St. Paul, NE 1990



Tribune-Phonograph, Abbotsford et. al, WI, 2007








Phonographia Factola