Mr. Know-It All explains the amplifer dial
Mr. Know-it-All explains the pre-amplifer which amplifies the Pree.
Mr. Know-It All explains the turntable which turns the tables.
Mr. Know-It All explains the tweeter and woofer.
Mr. Know-It All plugs it in.
Mr. Know-It All explains that by turning up the volume it can also tell you the time.
"Shut that thing off -- it's 2:00 AM! "Thank-you," says Mr. Know-It All, as he sets his watch to 2:00 AM.
Mr. Know-It All and How to Make a Hit Record WATCH Mr. Know-It All in How to Make a Hit Record. c.1960 ©Jay Ward Productions.
"Hey look Mr. Disc Jocken' Baby, What do you say to that?"
"Only one thing to say: "SICK-EM!"
Rocky asks Mr. Know-It All if he's going to make another hit record. "No," says Mr. Know-It All. "I'm out of the record business." "But isn't that a record you're making there?" "No, it's a pizza."