1905-1910 Ads Welcoming the Phonograph into the Home
1906 The Metropolitan Magazine
1906 Scribner's Magazine
"The Loftiest Flight of Inventive Genius," American Magazine, February 1906
"The Music Master Visits the Factory - Why The Graphophone is Best." Columbia Phonograph Co., 1906
The Music Master Plans a christmas Surprise Columbia Graphophone., Columbia Phonograph Co., Colliers, 1906
Keep "Him" at home. The Edison Improved Phonograph, The Ladies' Home Journal, October, 1906
The Commoner Magazine, April 19, 1907
1907 Harpers Magazine, 6" x 8"
The Red Book, 1906 (PM-0949)
The Review of Reviews Magazine, 1906
Victor Talking Machine Co., 1906 (PM-1365)
Victor Talking Machine Co., 1906
Edison ad for August as seen in Edison Phonograph Monthly, 1907
Columbia Record Catalogue cover, January 1907
"Did you get a VICTOR for Christmas?" Ladies' Home Journal, January 1907.
John C. Walling ad, Victor & Edison, 1907
The Edison Phonograph Monthly, Edison ads for February 1907
The Edison Phonograph Monthly, Edison ads for September 1907 "Entertainment within reach of all," artwork by J. J. Gould, Colliers, May 1907
"When Three is Company," McClure's Magazine, January 1908
The Edison Phonograph, Artwork by Guernsey Moore, 1908
"Their Wedding March," American Magazine, 1908
"All the refined entertainment which only the Victor can supply..." McClure's Magazine, February 1908
There's Delight in Every "Turn," McClure's Magazine, February 1908
The Talking Machine World, 1908
"A home without a Victor is a stage without a play." 1908
' A more fascinating entertainer than before..." Artwork by J. J. Gould, 1908
"Caruso and the Victor," McClure's Magazine, January 1908
An Edison Phonograph on FREE TRIAL, Colliers, February 13, 1909
The EDISON PHONOGRAPH, The Saturday Evening Post, 1909
The Talking Machine World, 1909
Victor - "you can't tell it from the actual human voice!" 1909
"Why the mail was late." The World's Work, 1909
"The Rivals." The World's Work, 1909